Less than a week until Anna starts Kindergarten! This summer really flew by. I haven't blogged in a while because we've been enjoying all the fun summer activities.
This summer Anna and Micaiah's favorites were:
swimming / water slides / goggles / eating at the pool / playing in the sandbox / Kids Park / Kidscape WipeOut / Saturday morning walks with Miss Spring / playing with old friends / macaroni and cheese peanut butter and jelly / strawberries / movies and popcorn at the Legends / making new friends
sleeping in until 7am / losing teeth / cheese puffs and cheetos / Miss Cindy's puppies / popsicles
mint chocolate chip ice cream / hiding from Papa / surprising Papa / the wave pool
diving boards / the lazy river / water buckets / Leap Frog / twizzlers / Harvest Cheddar Sun Chips roller skates / playing dress up / visiting Ed / swimming with Molly / making friendship bracelets dancing / singing / music concerts / fireworks / hairbands / haircuts and lollipops / pizza
racing with Dylan / Power Play / Worlds of Fun / meeting Snoopy and the Charlie Brown gang
Hello Kitty / Thomas and Friends / tickle battles with Papa / chobani yogurt / The Great Wolf Lodge with the Hardin's / bananas and peanut butter / dark chocolate raisinets / more swimming!!!
My summertime favorites:
NO MORE DIAPERS!!!! (yea for potty training success)
Our family photo!
And celebrating our 6th wedding anniversary!!!!!!
We celebrated with a night out on the Plaza where we enjoyed delicious food at Brio's
along with some great conversation, laughter, and even tears from laughing so hard!
Then we walked around and enjoyed the evening atmosphere
and listened to some great music.
It was a really refreshing and fun anniversary.

Micaiah's first visit to a movie theater!
(and he even sat through watching Kung Fu Panda!)
Anna's first high dive experience!!!
She was very brave...and did a great job swimming.
Anna and her two new teeth!!
Yes, she lost both bottom front teeth
without crying!
When they came out, her teeth underneath were already coming through.
Micaiah enjoying the water and the slides.
With less than a week to the start of the school year, we are going to live up
every last moment of this warm sunshine!
Hope you have fun doing the same.