About Me

I'm a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, a friend, a photographer, and a lover.  I'm a visionary dreamer, an artistic creator, and a capturer of all the beauty in this life.  I've traveled near and far, yet I never stray too far from the arms of my beloved husband.  I love being married to my best friend and sharing the joy of raising our two children.  It makes me laugh to think of growing old together.

I enjoy being a teacher, as well as learning new things.  I think that as a teacher and role model, it isn't that you are perfect, but that you are willing to share your strengths and failures, your experiences and lessons learned.  That to teach we must become students.  And as students, we learn from others and are changed into someone more prepared to share with others.

 I enjoy photography!  I enjoy art!  I like to dance!
Some things that I like to do when I have the time are journaling, reading, and playing the piano.
I love my Heavenly Father and am thankful for His Son Jesus Christ, who died and was raised again to give new life to those who seek Him.  The Lord's love has the power to change hearts and lives!  I am nothing apart from the love of God and it is my deepest desire to love others truthfully, sincerely, honestly by learning to love them the way the Lord does.  Thank you Holy Spirit for interrupting my life and filling my heart with such desire. 

I like to eat, nibble, and savor dark chocolate.  More recently, I've come to include dark chocolate raisinets to my list of sweets.

I do not like to pay full price for anything.  I'm a coupon and discount hunter, and I like to try to get good deals on things.

I enjoy reading, mostly Biblical scholars like Watchman Nee and T. Austin Sparks.  I also like reading easy reading books like "Little House on the Prairie."  Though I'm still learning to find time to read in day, its getting a little easier as the kids are getting older.

I hope to get to know you too!