Monday, March 29, 2010

My first entry...

Its funny to me that I've had a whole week to think of what my first entry would be about, only to decide that I still didn't know. My mind is constantly going...whether I'm considering what to make for the day's meals, lessons for teaching time, or what activities/plans are for the next day. Not to mention trying to work on photography business stuff. I find myself writing lots of things down, but missing out on my true desire of journalism. I like writing and media, which is why I studied mass communications in college. Journalism and visual arts have always been something that I've been compelled to participate in. But that isn't all...I've known since I was a little girl that I wanted to stay at home with my children. I think its because my mom stayed at home with me and my four sisters. That is why I also studied youth and family ministry. This is the true heart of who I am and what I am about...serving, encouraging, and praying for youth and families.

Choosing to be a stay-at-home mom has really challenged and changed me in so many areas. Sure I get to write, but instead of writing new stories or articles, I find myself writing reminder notes and lists. For all that I have chosen to put aside for this time in my life, I am so thankful for the joy, challenge, and peace that this one decision has brought to me in raising my children. To me, my children are priceless. There is nothing that I would not give up for them, not money, a career, or even prolonged periods of complete sleep or silence. My role as a wife and mother is something that I am very sober about. It is not just a responsibility, but a privilege. Not just a mundane routine, but an adventure of love and learning. It has not just made a difference in my children's lives, it has made a difference in mine.

To all mothers out always, sometimes you have to laugh later, boundaries and a routine are important, manners are learned, and your example is worth everything to your child.

Take my love, my Lord, I pour
At thy feet its treasure-store.
Take myself and I will be
Ever, only, all for Thee.
(from a song written by Frances Ridley Havergal)

Thank you Brian for supporting me in my decisions.
And Anna and Micaiah, the two wonderful people who I get to care for, teach, and spend the days with. I pray that my love will lead you to know our Heavenly Father who has formed you and made you to do His good will.

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